Most databases store data in "Tables" which are pretty much like the tables you might see in a book. The columns, or "fields", all contain the same sort of data, such as the date of a sale. The rows or "records" each contain a collection of data that represent one thing or event, such as one supplier.

A report normally takes one or more related tables, connects them together and filters out unwanted rows so as to give you the data that's perfect for your needs.

"Who bought M10 bolts last month?"

We'd need to link customers with their orders, filter out purchases that did not involve M10 bolts and deduplicate (you don't want to know about 17 different lengths of bolt on different days!)- DBDesigner makes it easy to do reports like that. If they are easy, you'll want lots of them!

We've done enough database systems that it was obvious that alot of effort went into making "Maintenance Forms". What are they? Well, essentially they are usually pairs of forms for each table in your system.

For example, if you need to keep track of colours, you'd have one form called "Maintain Colours" that would show all the colours in your system, and another which would be called either "Add Colour" for creating a new colour or "Maintain Colour" for changing the details of a colour. So you would typically start "Maintain Colours" to show all the colours in your system, then you'd either click "Add" which would show you "Add Colour" or "Update" which would show you "Maintain Colour".

When you make complex systems, you usually need lots of these form pairs because you have lots of data to look after. For example, a trucking application might need to maintain lists of:
Trailer Types,
Suspension Types,
Customers and

An Factory application might need to keep track of:
Bills of Materials,
Materials Orders,
Materials StockTakes.
Sales Orders.

One of the joys of using SuiteMaker is that we make the forms automatically, meaning they are reliable and feature rich. If you want to sort by a particular column, just click it and it will sort... and you get that by default, along with a pretty report for that data that you can customize and print, plus the ability to select and copy out data for use in other programs.

The Kernel is the only bit of a DBDesigner project that is not customised for your application.

What does the Kernel actually do?

The Kernel gives you the ability to:


Most commercial database software has 4 main components-

The Kernel,

Maintenance Forms,

Reports, and

Everything else!

Once DBDesigner knows what data you want to work with, it can generate an application using the Kernel and Maintenance Forms with no further effort from the user. Reports can be added in just a few minutes each- and because we use software to write software, these are not bare-minimum reports but nice to work with.