DBDesigner applications can have hundreds of forms and permissions, so we start with the concept of "Permission Groups".

A permission group can/should exist for each role within the business. Someone in Sales might need access to one set of permissions for adding orders and dealing with customer enquiries. Someone in Production might need a different set of permissions. So, each of these roles gets a set of permissions.

Obviously we have users, so they can be created.

Once you have users, and groups, you can make a user a member of a group, so "Paul" might be made a member of the "Sales" group, giving him access to all the permissions required to work in Sales. If Paul were to be seconded to "Engineering", he might also get added to the "Engineers" group, which would have a different set of permissions. By being in multiple groups, Paul gets all the permissions from each group, so he can fulfil both roles.

We also have a SUPERUSER group that has every permission. This is normally only used with accounts used for administration.

The first form you can interact with when starting a DBDesigner application is the Login Form.

You can point at a range of databases- normally a techie will set up a live database and whatever test systems you need. So if you want to work in Live or a test system, just choose that and log in.